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ABC | NightLine | Part Two | 55 Days
Dina Demetrius & the "Nightline" Staff Producer
ABC News Los Angeles and Washington Bureaus
Yesterday, we introduced you to Cyrus Kar, an American documentary filmmaker who spent 55 days held by U.S. authorities in Iraq as a suspected terrorist. For those of you who missed the first part, or didn't have a chance to read yesterday's e-mail from producer Dina Demetrius, here's an opportunity to catch up in advance of tonight's finale that focuses on Kar's 53 days in solitary confinement.
"There's a reckless arrest policy, and there's a tremendous amount of humiliation that follows that arrest policy, and I strongly believe that one of the major reasons that the insurgency is growing is because when detainees are released they come out and they're looking for retribution." Cyrus Kar
ABC | NightLine-Part 2 | 55 Days | Cyrus Kar | In Search of Cyrus The Great |
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